Apple Fined €500 Million in EU Competition Probe

EU to Impose Record-Breaking Fine on Apple

The European Union is on the verge of imposing a massive fine of around half a billion euros on Apple for violating competition laws related to its treatment of music streaming services. This substantial penalty stems from an investigation initiated by the EU following a complaint from Spotify.

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According to sources familiar with the EU’s investigation, the plan is to levy a fine “in the region of €500 million”. The regulators have determined that Apple’s rules within the App Store, which restrict the promotion of payment options outside of its ecosystem, unfairly disadvantage competing music streaming services, including Spotify.

Key Allegations Against Apple

Brussels is expected to accuse Apple of exploiting its dominant market position and employing anti-competitive practices against its rivals. The EU contends that the terms set by Apple are unfair trading conditions that put other streaming services at a disadvantage.

One of the major points of contention for Spotify and other app developers is Apple’s App Store rules concerning in-app payments. These rules mandate that certain apps exclusively use Apple’s commission-charging payment platform for in-app transactions. Additionally, developers are prohibited from directing users to alternative payment options outside of their apps, a practice commonly referred to as the anti-steering provision.

Anti-Competitive Impact on Streaming Services

With Apple charging commissions of up to 30% on in-app payments, Spotify, whose profit margin also hovers around 30%, would have to pass on the additional cost to its customers. This effectively makes a Spotify subscription appear pricier than that of Apple Music, putting Spotify at a competitive disadvantage.

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Spotify’s response to this predicament was to forego in-app payments altogether. However, this decision made it considerably more challenging to convert free-tier users into premium subscribers and hindered the ability to introduce pay-to-access features for podcasts and audiobooks within the app.

Escalation of Disputes

In 2019, Spotify lodged a formal complaint with the European Commission concerning Apple’s App Store rules. Subsequently, EU competition regulators issued a statement of objections to Apple in 2021, citing concerns about the anti-competitive nature of its in-app payment rules. Two years later, an updated statement of objection narrowed the focus specifically to the anti-steering provision.

The regulators have deemed this provision anti-competitive, leading to the proposed mega-fine, one of the largest penalties ever imposed by the EU on a tech company and the first to target Apple directly.

Changes and Criticisms

Apple has already been compelled to modify its App Store rules in response to legal challenges, regulatory intervention, and shifts in legislation, including the EU’s new Digital Markets Act. Despite this, Spotify has criticized the changes made by Apple to comply with the new EU regulations, labeling them “a complete and total farce”.

As the EU prepares to levy this historic fine against Apple, the repercussions of this decision are likely to reverberate across the tech industry, setting a significant precedent for how dominant tech companies conduct business within the European market.


In conclusion, the European Union’s impending half-a-billion-euro fine against Apple underscores the heightened scrutiny faced by major tech companies regarding anti-competitive practices, particularly those that affect smaller competitors in the digital marketplace. The outcome of this landmark case will undoubtedly shape the future landscape of competition and regulation within the European tech industry.

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