Setlist Podcast: Major Labels Receive Spatial Audio Bonus on Apple Music

**Apple Music’s “Spatial Audio Bonus” and Its Impact on Labels and Creators**
CMU Exclusive: Apple Music’s “spatial audio bonus” will favor major labels at the expense of small labels and creators. This controversial 10% ‘bonus’ operates at the distributor level, potentially benefiting major labels significantly. However, the question remains whether independent labels and creators will reap similar benefits. The costs associated with creating Spatial Audio add further complexity to this issue.

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**Two Grassroots Music Venues Closing Every Week in the UK**
According to a new report from the Music Venue Trust, an alarming trend has emerged in the UK music scene. The report found that, on average, two grassroots music venues per week closed down in 2023. Despite these venues generating substantial revenues of £500 million, their profit margin amounted to just £2.5 million. The Music Venue Trust advocates for financial support for small venues and promoters, proposing a levy on the top end of the live industry.

**News in Brief**
Madonna and Live Nation to Defend Late Show Start Lawsuit
Madonna and Live Nation have stated their intention to vigorously defend against a lawsuit brought by fans concerning the late start of one of her shows. They attribute the delay to technical issues rather than negligence.

American Musicians’ Union Negotiates AI and Streaming Terms with Hollywood Studios
Negotiations are underway in Hollywood over the union contracts of musicians involved in film and TV music production. Key priorities for the American Federation Of Musicians include commitments around AI and negotiating new payments from streamed shows.

See also  The Setlist Podcast: Hipgnosis v Hipgnosis

Spotify’s Take on the EU Digital Market Act and Announcement of Superfan Clubs
Spotify recently published a blog post taking jabs at Apple, hailing the EU Digital Market Act as a “huge opportunity.” The platform also introduced superfan clubs as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the artist and label experience.

Publishers Respond to Anthropic’s Legal Claim Regarding AI Copyright Cases
The group of music publishers behind a copyright infringement lawsuit against AI firm Anthropic has responded to the company’s assertion that Tennessee is not the appropriate US state for pursuing the litigation. They highlight Anthropic’s employment and customer presence in the state as justifying the legal action’s location.

Hipgnosis Songs Fund: “Cherry Picked Assets” in Proposed Sale to Blackstone
The ongoing drama between multiple entities named Hipgnosis has escalated with memos flying and allegations intensifying. The Hipgnosis Songs Fund has accused Hipgnosis Song Management of selectively picking assets for potential sale to Blackstone.

**BRIT Awards Nominations Embrace Diversity and Inclusion**
The 2024 BRIT Awards nominations have received praise for striking a better balance in gender, genre, and independent artists. This positive shift signifies a step forward in promoting diversity and inclusion within the music industry.

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