BAPAM Reports Increase in Performers Seeking Health Support

Specialist Health Support for Performers Sees Dramatic Rise

The demand for specialized health support from the British Association For Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) has seen a significant increase in the past decade, with a surge in consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health consultations, in particular, have quadrupled over the last five years.

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BAPAM’s CEO, Claire Cordeaux, acknowledges the challenges faced by performers and gig economy professionals in the past five years, with heightened pressures due to ongoing cost of living and housing crises. This has led to a surge in demand for clinical services, especially in mental health, as BAPAM aims to foster a culture of wellbeing within the performing arts industry.

Increasing Need for Clinical Support

New statistics released by BAPAM reveal an 86% increase in clinical consultations since 2019, spanning various areas such as musculoskeletal injuries and vocal concerns. The organization notes a remarkable 396% rise in mental health consultations and a 357% increase in patients seeking help for mental wellbeing since 2019.

These trends reflect the challenges performers faced during the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis. Part of the increased demand may also stem from a growing awareness of the specialized support available, thanks in part to initiatives like Help Musicians that collaborate with BAPAM to raise awareness within the music industry.

Celebrating 40 Years of Impact

As BAPAM marks its 40th anniversary, the organization is set to co-host the PAMA International Symposium, an annual event focusing on performing arts health. This year, the symposium will be held at University College London, marking its first location outside the US.

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Peter Leathem, Chair of BAPAM and CEO of record industry collecting society PPL, commends the organization’s clinical excellence and its transformative support for performers over the past four decades. He emphasizes the importance of BAPAM’s specialized care in addressing the unique challenges faced by performers and its global collaborations that drive advancements in performing arts medicine.

Looking ahead to BAPAM’s continued impact, Leathem anticipates celebrating its valuable contributions as it reaches its 40th anniversary milestone in 2024.


BAPAM, British Association For Performing Arts Medicine, Performers, Health Support, Mental Health, Clinical Consultations, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Vocal Concerns, Help Musicians, PAMA International Symposium, University College London, Peter Leathem, Claire Cordeaux, Performers’ Wellbeing, Gig Economy Professionals

For more information on BAPAM and its services, visit their official website.

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