Taylor Swift Reveals Family Ties to Singapore

Taylor Swift’s Family Ties to Singapore

Pop sensation Taylor Swift revealed some fascinating family ties to Singapore during her recent concert at the Singapore National Stadium on March 2. Seated at her Evermore piano, Swift shared with the crowd that her mother had actually spent a significant part of her childhood in Singapore with her parents and sister.

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Connection Through Music

The intimate moment happened after Swift had just finished performing “Marjorie,” a heartfelt song dedicated to her grandmother, Marjorie Finlay. Reflecting on her mother’s past, Swift revealed, “A lot of the time when we would come here on tour, my mom would take me past her old house and school. I’ve been hearing about Singapore my whole life.”

Generous Fans and Emotional Connections

Swift expressed her gratitude for the warm reception from the Singaporean audience, saying, “To get to come here and perform for such generous and beautiful people who essentially honored my family with their response to that song [“Marjorie”], it means the world to me.”

Historical Roots

This is not the first time Swift has shared about her family’s history in Singapore. In a 2016 interview with The Straits Times, she discussed how her grandfather’s work with an engineering company led to her mother growing up in the vibrant city. Swift’s grandparents traveled extensively due to her grandfather’s job, shaping her mother’s upbringing in Singapore.

Exciting Album Announcement

Swift also made a thrilling announcement about her upcoming album, titled The Tortured Poets Department. Revealing the fourth variant of the project, Swift announced a bonus track titled “The Black Dog.” Each of the other three versions of the album includes different bonus tracks: “The Manuscript,” “The Bolter,” and “The Albatross.” Fans can anticipate the album’s release on April 19.

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Upcoming Concert Dates

For those eager to catch Swift live, she still has several concert dates remaining at the Singapore National Stadium. Fans can attend her shows on March 4, 7, 8, and 9 to experience her musical magic in person.

By sharing her personal connection to Singapore and exciting album news, Taylor Swift continues to captivate audiences worldwide with her talent and storytelling. Don’t miss out on the chance to witness her performance live and immerse yourself in the world of Taylor Swift’s music.

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